SPLASH SCREEN The intro movie can be skipped at any time by clicking on the animation in the center of the screen; at which time the TOURISM BUREAU SCREEN will come up. TASK BAR BUTTONS The question mark will bring up this help screen. The five button will bring up the credits. The Guide Button will take the user back to the TOURISM BUREAU SCREEN and when the user selects another guide and goes through the door the screen that comes up will be the screen that the user left to change guides. TOURISM BUREAU SCREEN Any one of the guides can be clicked on and then the guides will disappear and the selected guide will shrink down to the left corner of the screen. The user then clicks on the door and the MAIN SCREEN comes up. MAIN SCREEN The buttons will take the user to each section. WEAPONS SCREEN Some of the weapons have no video; just a close up still of the weapon. PLACES TO GO SCREEN The Doc Button will bring up text on whatever place is up. To remove the text either click on the Doc Button again or go to another place.